Available on backorder
Developed from over 20 years of infield use, SFAvo has been specifically created for the Avocado industry as it boasts a high analysis, yet is safe to use through delicate parts of the season such as flowering and fruit set. SF Avo provides a very simple one-step complete nutritional benefit, including Nitrogen – without causing tree or soil imbalances.
Matching nutrition to your crop’s needs all season is the key to happier, healthier trees. Reduce fruit drop and maximise size, consistency and yield with a complete balance of key nutrients (not just Nitrogen) with SF Avo, from our range of Eco Growth https://ecogrowth.com.au/commercial/horticulture/tree-crops/avocados>avocado fertilisers.
Silicates harden roots and this element is supplied through SFAvo (which is a Silicate mineral fertiliser). It is possible to harden avocados against root damage, especially in the presence of subsoil Aluminium.
Crop/Plant Type | Rate | Timing |
Avocado trees | 30g/m2 of shade cover 150-200g/tree (up to 600g/tree) |
Varies depending on size & age of tree and crop load at flowering. |
http://Eco Growth SF AVO Brochure target=_blank rel=noopener>https://ecogrowth.com.au/ecogrowthk12/media/images/products/product%20brochures/ecogrowth-a4-sfavo_q_22-r2-(2).pdf