Express® Apex is a sophisticated biological fertiliser designed to stick to the soil and stay around the roots. This is accomplished by incorporating Myco Active, a clever bio stimulant that aids with chelation of fertiliser whilst stimulating beneficial microorganisms and promoting root activity.
Express® Apex is balanced to supply Nitrogen in ratio with Potassium, trace elements plus boosted Magnesium and Iron – all buffered with a natural chelate to provide sustained release and better utilisation. This is important as our aim is to grow and size fruit, not stimulate unproductive nitrogenous growth.
N | K | S | Mg | Fe | Zn | Mn | Cu | Mo | B |
% | % | % | % | % | ppm | ppm | ppm | ppm | ppm |
16.5 | 11.8 | 0.2 | 0.87 | 1.01 | 336 | 574 | 130 | 54 | 47 |
Crop/Plant Type | Rate | Min. Dilution | Timing |
Young established trees | 25L/ha irrigated ~80ml/tree |
1:500 | Every 7-14 days alternating between either Eco-Prime® Avocado or Eco-Prime® Purple granular applications. |
Mature tree | 50L/ha irrigated ~160ml/tree |
1:500 | Every 7-14 days alternating between either Eco-Prime® Avocado or Eco-Prime® Purple granular applications. |
Application Rates based on 300 trees/ha. Express® Apex contains Ecogrowth’s Myco Active root stimulant.
For best results fertigate between monthly under tree applications of Eco-Prime® Avocado or Eco-Prime® Purple granular fertilisers; which supply the backbone for seasonal fruiting consistency and retention under high production conditions, and balance seasonal requirements with complementary Calcium, Boron etc as seasonally required or indicated by soil and plant tissue analysis.
Express® Apex should be fertigated through irrigation, or applied diluted to root zone.