Barricade 1L

Barricade 1L

$245.00 inc. GST

1 in stock (can be backordered)


Up to 6-month weed germination protection. A pre-emergent herbicide used to prevent the occurrence of weeds such as Crowsfoot Grass, Summer Grass, Winter Grass, Paspalum, and other grassy weeds. 1Ltr of Barricade can treat up to 2500sqm.

Barricade Turf Herbicide controls a wide range of pre-emergent grassy weeds and importantly breaks the germination cycle of Poa annua. You can trust Barricade to last for up to 6 months, so your application window is more flexible.

Barricade Herbicide selectivity is primarily through soil profile placement. Small-seeded plants take up greater amounts of the herbicide as they germinate in the soil profile zone of herbicide placement.

  • Effective against all major annual grass weeds in turf during summer and winter
  • Season-long control of annual weeds
  • Reduces future weed set and germination
  • Reduces the reliance on costly selective post-emergent herbicides
  • Flexibility to delay wash-in for a few days if necessary

Application Rate: 10-40mL/100sqm

Water in thoroughly after application.

1L Barricade can cover up to 2500-10000sqm depending on application rate.

Application should be prior to germination of the weeds.

Barricade is best applied with a backpack or handheld sprayer to ensure even application. Sprayer calibration is recommended.

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