$205.00 inc. GST

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  • Boosts the uptake of all other nutrients
  • Provides balanced micronutrients & Nitrogen
  • Highly available complexed trace elements improve crop health
  • Suitable for both soil and foliar applications

Ecogrowth Express® Trace is a well balanced liquid trace elements fertiliser that replenishes crops with fundamental nutrients that are vital for healthy growth. Trace elements are combined with Nitrogen, Magnesium and Sulphur to increase uptake.

Trace elements are critical for optimal plant growth, providing the plant with the ability to adapt to deficient and excessive soil conditions. Trace element nutrients are needed in very small amounts for plant health.

Express® Trace is rapidly absorbed through both leaves and roots, correcting a range of micronutrient deficiencies.


N S Mg Fe C Zn Mn Cu Mo B Co
% % % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
3 4.8 1.5 1.8 1.3 12000 15000 6100 320 6300 210


Crop/Plant Type Rate Min. Dilution Timing
Tree Crops
(Pome, Stone, Nuts, Mangoes, Avocados)
3-5L/ha foliar
5-10L/ha soil
1:150 Apply prior to flowering. Repeat as required.
Wine & Table
3-5L/ha foliar
5-8L/ha soil
1:150 Apply initial application to foliage early to lift fruit quality. Apply prior to flowering.
Vegetables 2-4L/ha foliar
4-8L/ha soil
1:150 Apply when leaf area is sufficient to accept spray.
Turf 10-15L/ha 1:75 Apply as required. Approximately 100-150ml/100m2.
Broadacre & Pasture 2-5 L/ha foliar 4-8 L/ha soil 1:25 Min
Up to 1:75
Early foliar application ideal for maintaining crop potential in cold conditions.


For alternative uses or applications please contact your Eco Growth® nutritional expert

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