Lawn Pride Maintain Mini 26-0-9 + 3.4 Fe 20kg

Lawn Pride Maintain Mini 26-0-9 + 3.4 Fe 20kg


$111.50 inc. GST

1 in stock (can be backordered)


Lawn Pride Maintain Mini 20Kg

Maintain Mini will provide maximum results for those that have always loved Maintain. Ideal for the fanatic with a low-cut lawn. With slow-release technology that will feed your turf for up to three months – 20kg bag of Lawn Pride Maintain Mini will cover a huge 1000sqm

Off the back of the success of Lawn Pride Maintain – the highest selling and regarded fertilizer on the shelf, Maintain has just got a whole lot better for those high-end lawns. All the same goodness and performance now available in a mini-Prill, SGN 150-200 Prill size.

Lawn Pride Maintain Mini is best applied by a fertilizer spreader to ensure even application and irrigated thoroughly once applied. This product is safe for use around children and domestic cats and dogs.

CAUTION – This product contains micronutrient Iron. Iron may stain concrete, masonry, and other hard surfaces. Apply product with caution around these surfaces. Permanent staining may occur. Brush or blow from these surfaces promptly. Do not use water to remove product from these surfaces.

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